Sunday 22 May 2011

Kath's Blogging Challenge

I'm taking Kath up on the blogging challenge (so much for not doing much of this stuff before!).

In twelve weeks time I will be at my goal weight. I will have lost the remaining 13.1kg that I have to go. It's Monday morning and I'll be back at work and back to wearing size 12 work suits. I'm feeling on top of the world and enjoying the comments that my colleagues have made about me losing my weight. I can do anything now, my confidence has soared, not only personally, but professionally, knowing that I will be looked at for who I am, not 'some chick who could do with losing some weight'. I'll be an equal among my peers.

My greatest challenges in getting here have been overcoming myself and jumping my own hurdles, and not letting myself give up. My achievements will have been to get to my goal weight and to become fitter. I'll also know how to put together a healthy, calorie controlled meal without having to go searching for recipes - it'll just be there in my head. My greatest achievement will have been showing hubby that I can do it, that I've dropped the excuses and just done it. That I can juggle my career with my new young family and still live life.

I am so excited about my 'new' self. I'm full of energy that I knew I had but had to do something to summon it. I will have a proud husband (not that he isn't already) who realised early on that I need to be supported in order to get this far and who although being the usual joker, stopped the pay outs and the ribbing to allow me to get on with the job and focus on becoming the new me.

Day 1

Ok, it's 9.06am on day one. I've just realised how truly unfit I am! I put on Mish's Super Shredder Circuit and got to circuit 5, but only did the first two reps, not all four of them. I guess that really isn't too bad an effort for a first time, and for not having really done much in the recent past. I can only improve from here - I didn't take the low impact options either, although to be completely honest, I didn't do the full options on some of them, sort of a cross in between. I burnt 430 calories before I gave up. My head just kept saying JFDI, but I gave into myself and gave up early. I'm not going to beat myself up about it though - I'll end up mopping the floors today anyway which will chew up a fat lot of calories!

I did my fitness test on Saturday, and yep, no suprises there either. My 1km I did in 8 minutes and 31 seconds. I'd really like to get it down to 7 minutes by the end of the round, so we'll see how that goes.

I haven't done all my shopping properly yet either for this week, but do have a fair bit of stuff in the fridge and pantry for what I need anyway, I'll go and do a shop this afternoon.

I've also been looking over some old photos from 5 or so years ago and realised that I put on my weight when I moved to Cairns as I don't catch public transport to work anymore and don't have to walk - I also don't go for a walk to get lunch either so it's no wonder the weight started piling on. I am more motivated than ever to get myself back to where I was years ago. I hate looking at myself in photos now, but I've just go to suck it up until I get this weight off!

Bring on the next 12 weeks - theres going to be such a change - I've committed it to cyberspace so I need to keep my word!

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Hmmm, well it's been a while since last writing something down. Since last writing I have lost some of that excitement that I initially had when I signed up and I really need a good kick up the backside to get it back! As it is Wednesday, I weighed myself today - 83.5kg, so all up a 3.5kg loss since signing up for this round on the day it opened. I think it's a great result, but no where near what I could have achieved if I'd have put my mind to it. I think what was holding me back was my fear of hubby's reaction to my "fitness phases" as he calls them.

Needless to say, whilst I still haven't confessed to hubby that I have signed up, most nights I have been cooking recipes from the cookbooks which he very surprisingly has enjoyed. He also came home last night to the coffee table stacked full of jars of pasta and other cooking sauces which I can't bring myself to throw away, but will give them away instead! So last night, after making the Pad Thai (with some extra chicken for the carnivore - aka hubby) we had a talk about the 'new' foods that I have been preparing over the last couple of weeks. I've told him that I really want to make this work and that I have to do this for our family. He said that he's proud of the fact that I have been sticking to the recipe books for so long as normally I'd only last a couple of days. I have another 'incentive' too - each year my work holds a mid year party, this year it's on the Gold Coast and is a Gala theme - I want to look smokin' hot, it's in about week 9 of the round though, but I can have a pretty good crack by then at reaching my goals.

Hubby also told me last night that his mate asked him yesterday if I'd lost weight. Mate came around for a short visit on Saturday and asked Hubby yesterday, so Hubby told me not to get a big head, but people are noticing, which does surprise me as 3.5kg doesn't seem like a lot, but my lovely neighbour also said the same thing to me yesterday too.

I know I have to get rid of my excuses and JFDI, getting my head right is going to be the hardest thing. I've lost that 3.5kg with hardly any exercise, just imagine what I can do if I stick to the plan properly. I have to give it a crack. I've never liked to be the centre of attention, but there is something nice about people noticing that you are getting smaller - it might just give me a big head after all!!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

1st week over.

Wow - it's been just over a week since I signed up for the program. I was determined to start getting into good habits during pre season like getting used to cooking the meals and starting to exercise. Weigh ins are on Wednesdays so I decided to do my own 'weigh in' as well today.

I have lost 2.7kg this week. I know that you always lose a fair bit in the first week, especially with the shift in diet, and you always do seem to fluctuate weight from day to day, so I'm excited, but cautious at the same time! Next week will be the real test I guess.

I'm a little behind with my pre season tasks which has had to do with domestic duties and bub having had his immunisations and just being a little bit 'off'. So even though I have been thinking about them a lot, I'll be writing my goals today for task three and getting stuck into task 4 in the next day or so. I've decided to set myself a 'mini goal' and I would really like to hit 79.9kg or lower ready for the start of the next round - thats 19 days to lose 4.4kg - that certainly seems achievable. But I won't kick myself if I don't do it, I'm still learning what I need to be doing (with the guidance of Crunch Time) and I am easing myself into things.

I will probably not train as intensely as I am asked to do purely because that is just far far too much of a change for me to take in at one time. My focus this round is to get my eating habits under control and learn about 'healthy eating'. I'll still go for my walks and work out to DVD's, but probably not as much as I "should" be. This may be disappointing for some reading this, but I know myself. I know that too much of a drastic change for me will see me throw my arms up in the air and give up. I work better with change if I can take baby steps and do it at my own pace. But I might actually surprise myself and really get into it.

This morning's achievement was waking up and thinking "it's such a nice day, I might head off to the esplanade and go for a walk" then I thought "oh, bub might still be cranky from his needles" but no sooner as I had thought that than the other voice just said "JFDI" - he'll be just as cranky at home as he will getting fresh air. So off I went for my 5km walk - bub wasn't cranky, he was his usual beautiful happy self. The more I get out there and do it, the easier it will get.

Oh, I went for the walk on Saturday too....!!

I'm still enthused about doing this, I still doubt myself going on past history, but history is just that - it's in the past, this is now and is a new opportunity for me to snatch and make the most of.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Day something or other....

Oh wow! I have 8 followers!! - Can you tell I have never done this before?! lol! (small things excite me!)
I'm definitely not a daily 'blogger' that's for sure, but figured I should probably get on here and update what little old me has been up to the last few days.

Well, no conquering my street again, but inspired by the forums, I have gone out and purchased my polar FT7 and have managed to set the time and enter in my basic stats - one day I'll learn how to use the rest of it. I have also acquired two new books for the bookshelf, although they are not spending much time there at the moment - the Crunch Time Cookbook and Losing the last 5 kilos (yeah, I'm a way off, but it has the shopping lists in it and this lazy little vegemite needs that at the moment). So I'm starting the actual menus on Monday (yep, we all say that, but I am!) and for the next few days will just potter with whatever recipe takes my fancy. I made the eggwhite omlette with mushrooms this morning and it was delicious - and so filling, I struggled to get through it. Currently simmering away on my stovetop is the spag bol - I need to ease hubby into this I think and it is smelling devine.

I've also ordered Michelle's dvd pack from Big W Entertainment online so will be eagerly awaiting Mr Postman next week.

Still haven't told hubby about signing up and I've decided that I will wait until the end to confess my sin, seeing as he will now just think I am following the books (hehe!!). I did tell my mum though and she was eager to join in too, but she is going overseas for 4 weeks of the round so she really wants to join in next time.

I've also connected with some Cairns people too and we're in the process of planning some meet ups. The excitement is still here in me - I just really hope it stays!

Monday 25 April 2011

The Start

Wow, I have well and truly done it now!
I've never had a blog before, and never set myself such a challenge of 12WBT. Ok, that's a lie. I successfully managed to study my law degree full time whilst working full time - it took me 4 years and 19 days to prove to my beloved that I could do it, we even made a move interstate in that time and settled into new jobs - so if I can take 4 years out of my life to supposedly improve myself, why the hell does 12 weeks scare the living daylights out of me?! I'm always happy to improve my brain, but the truth is I'm just plain lazy when it comes to fitness, health and nutrition.

In the seven years I have been with my husband, I've always been 'going to do' this diet, or go to the gym or some other craze and it has always been just a craze and hubby has seen that, so it really is no surprise that when I mentioned the 12WBT to him he just rolled his eyes, laughed and said I'd be better off spending the cash on our son. Grrr! I knew that would be his reaction but it still hurt because I know he is right - I have never seen anything through that involves such a life change. Don't get me wrong, hubby is my rock and we support each other through everything (except my fitness - he's given up on that one!)

What I need to do is summon up my fighting spirit - the one I use at work to fight for justice for my clients, the one I have always used (even as a child!) whenever someone has told me I can't do something, or I can't have something. I have always found a way around it. My laziness just stops me from doing this for myself.
I am so full of excuses - There is a gym that keeps taking $13 out of my bank every week - I may aswell be donating the money to a good cause. I signed up there because they have a child minding service - GREAT! I can go there and my little boy can be looked after while I work out - ummmm.... no, this little ducky keeps finding excuses, the best one is that the child minding times clash with his naps, or he hasn't had enough immunisations, or I don't know the staff. So I'm cancelling the gym membership and I'm going to do this without a gym. I live on a hill for crying out loud! Also, I pay some exorbitant rates to the Cairns Regional Council who so very nicely put on free fitness classes along the esplanade and have a very beautiful 2.5km walkway the length of the esplanade - and guess what? the fitness classes don't clash with little ones naps, so I am out of excuses really - other than it's a 13km drive to get there!

So, it would appear that I have found some of that fighting spirit in taking the plunge and signing up for 12WBT round two. I then found some more by going for a walk last night - made even more amazing by the fact that we live on a steep hill with an even steeper driveway. I managed to push the pram up the hill, but gave up when we got to the driveway!

So that is the next goal - not only to push the pram up the hill, but get my little boy safely inside the house at the end of it! Then off to some classes at the esplanade (so I can at least get some value out of my ridiculous rates!) and when I go back to work, the classes won't clash, I can still take the little one and the excuses should be long gone.

So here is The Start - I've done it, I've made the investment, made the commitment and I'm not letting hubby win this one. This is for my family, so my little boy can grow up in a house where nutrition and fitness are important, where fast food is no quick fix because hubby or I 'can't be bothered'. My only feelings of guilt right now are that I haven't told hubby exactly what I'm up to - he wasn't impressed when I floated the idea. All he knows is that I'm wanting to get fitter and healthier, that I want to lose 17kg by the end of the year, and while I feel a little bit guilty, I'm a bit giggly about my little secret - I'll show him! Just like I did when he told me I'd never stick with my degree, that I wasn't disciplined enough - there's that red rag to a bull competition that's going to help me stick with this!